Thursday, March 3, 2011


Oh yeah.

I have a blog.

I've been a total slacker lately on this thing and life. I don't know if it's the change in weather, some degenerate bug eating my brain, or just general malaise but all I seem to want to do lately is sleep. I have been working (slowly) on a comic book adaptation of a couple of my short stories.

Anyhow this is my reproach to the blog all be it a short one. As you can see I changed the layout a bit. I hope to do a complete overhaul soon and have this place looking pretty and shiny.

Oh yeah, how come no one told me about Ladies and Gentlemen, The Fabulous Stains? A must see for fans of the first wave punk and riotgrrl. It's had me listening to The Slits all week and bonus it's on net flix streaming now so check it out. Also check comments for bonus.


  1. The Slits - Cut

  2. Ladies and Gentelmen, The Fabulous Stains Soundtrak
