Saturday, July 9, 2011

fragment #35

Since the price of gas has gone up so much I had to opt out of FatFat's uncle Rick's gasoline treatment. Instead I went with the wiener dog treatment. Rick poured out a can of off brand dog food on my arm, and told me to, "Wait on them dogs to come over." The whole time Ralph begged me to change his mind. He even cried a little. The whole thing was pretty awkward.

The wiener dog who preformed the treatment claimed to be my cousin from that time I died and became a wiener dog myself, for a while. I just ignored him. I'm not prejudice but sometimes you have to draw a line when it comes to family.

The whole day was pretty terrible but when the wiener dog was finished doing it's thing Ralph was gone. I wonder if this counts as murder...

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

fragment #34

Christ, that asshole, Ralph tossed the rib eye right back in my face!
The bastard literally threw it at me! Says he only "Eats organic." I tried to tell him I was just wanted to make peace. He told me to "...Shove my peace up my ass."

Later I found a letter from his youngest , Jess. His own boy called him a "loser," and said "he never wanted to see him again." I feel kind of bad for the guy, but he still threw a steak at me though. Who does that? I can't deal with that kind of shit. Maybe there's a reason his family doesn't speak to him. I'm calling FatFat's uncle in the morning.

fragment #33

Ralph is acting all uppity ever since I tried to get rid of him. He said he's "...gonna get his buddies at the IRS to audit me." Jokes on him, I don't pay taxes or have a social security number. I'm off the grid. Plus I"m pretty sure I'm still legally dead.

Maybe I should see the doctor and get a biopsy or something. That or I get FatFat's uncle Rick to use his special gasoline treatment. I still can't grow hair on my right leg from that time I had this sketchy mole. Maybe I'll just make peace with Ralph. I'm going to go to the Super K and go buy him a giant rib eye right now.